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From: "Gordon" <>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 23:16:18 -0700
Subject: Scottsdale mid-tournament standings
Message-id: <>

The first day of the Scottsdale tournament is over. The expert division has 12 players and played 7 rounds (6 more to be played tommorow) with the following standings (only those above 50% listed):

Dennis Kaiser   6-1  +137
Carol Kaplan    5-2  +482
Roy Kamen       4-3  +173
John Hart       4-3  +155
Ellis Willson   4-3    -7
Chester Collin  4-3   -47
Rita Norr       4-3  -260

Your faithful reporter is mired at 3-4, but did have one play of note, extending BA with the rack DEELNOR.

The other divisions played 6 rounds Saturday with 5 to follow on Sunday. I only had time to jot down those at 50% or above in the first division:

Harold Rapkin     5-1  +327
Barbara Van Allen 4-2  +174
Jeff Parsons      4-2   +94
Laura Scheimberg  4-2   -21
Patty Wayne       3-3  +225
Jim W. Fischer    3-3   -98
Larry Rand        3-3  -150

Sorry about not looking at the other divisions.

Steven Gordon

PS: My 9 letter word was: