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Question Corner and Discussion Area

The Decomposition of a Drug in the Human Body

Asked by Irene Funk, student, Newark High School on June 16, 1997:
How can I determine the rate at which a drug is broken down by the human body?
Unfortunately your question concerns biology more than mathematics, and we simply don't have the resources to answer non-mathematical questions.

You would need to know the biological principles specific to the situation you have in mind, principles which would relate the rate of decomposition to other factors. These principles would then be expressible as mathematical formulas involving the quantities of the drug, and the problem would enter the realm of mathematics at that point.

If you have such formulas and have a mathematical question about how to use the formulas to determine other things (such as how to get from a formula describing the rate of decomposition in terms of the current concentration into a formula describing the concentration as a function of time), please post another question here and we'd be glad to address it.

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