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Resource Material

We have started to develop a collection of resource material for use in classes as well as extra-curricular activities in high schools.



We have available (in PostScript format, requiring a PostScript printer) resource material packages based on two of our web site areas:

Other Formats

Other material, which we have in printed format but not yet online, includes

For more information on any of these, or to receive copies by mail (for a nominal postage charge), please contact the Mathematics Network Coordinator Any Wilk. She can be reached by email at

Other Good Resources On The World-Wide Web

Check out The Math Forum for many resources and links to other sites.

Alan Selby's Web Site is another site with interesting material and plenty of links to other places, as is the Learning in Motion site's list of mathematics links.

Interesting Books and Journals

Three fine series of books for the high school student and the amateur are New Mathematical Library, Dolciani Mathematical Expositions, and Spectrum, published by the Mathematical Association of America, 1529 Eighteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. Write for their catalogue and order form.

Here is a short list of books that may be of interest to teachers and their students:

These books, along with many of those listed below, can be found by a last name, first name search directly from the University of Toronto library web site:

The University of Toronto library web site will list many other books by the same author as well as books on related topics. These books may be very readily available through local libraries or bookstores. The University of Toronto's library web site will also list relevant publisher information needed to purchase the book. Books may also be ordered through the University of Toronto Bookstore:

Here are some other books of interest:

A journal of interest is Mathematical Mayhem, whose current editors are undergraduates at the University of Toronto. You can find more information about it on their web page.

This page last updated: September 27, 1999
Original Web Site Creator / Mathematical Content Developer: Philip Spencer
Current Network Coordinator and Contact Person: Any Wilk -