MAT247H1S Algebra II

Winter 2019

This is the webpage for MAT247 during Winter 2019. All the course documents will be posted here. We will be using Quercus for the purposes of announcements and recording grades.

Course Description

This is a second course in linear algebra aimed at students in the Math Specialist program.

Textbook: Linear Algebra by Friedberg, Insel, and Spence, fourth edition

The following topics will be covered:


Teaching Staff

Instructor: Payman Eskandari

Office location: HU1012 (located on the 10th floor of 215 Huron Street). Please note that the elevators in the building only go up to the 9th floor. From there you have to take the stairs.

Email address:

Office hours: Mondays 1-3 in HU1012


TA office hours:

Course Materials

Note: The assignment pdfs below also include some practice problems.

Assignment 1 due Friday Jan 18 (to be submitted on Crowdmark) Solutions

Assignment 2 due Friday Jan 25 (to be submitted on Crowdmark) Solutions

Assignment 3 due Saturday Feb 2 (to be submitted on Crowdmark) Solutions

Assignment 4 due Saturday Feb 9 (to be submitted on Crowdmark) Solutions

Assignment 5 due Friday Feb 22 (to be submitted on Crowdmark) Solutions

Assignment 6 due Saturday March 9 (to be submitted on Crowdmark) Solutions

Assignment 7 due Saturday March 16 (to be submitted on Crowdmark) Solutions

Assignment 8 due Saturday March 23 (to be submitted on Crowdmark) Solutions

practice problems on the material of Week 10 (not to be handed in): exercises 1,2,4,6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13a (we proved 13b-d in class), 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 of 6.2 of the textbook. (Exercise 23 gives an example that shows that in the result V=W⊕W, the hypothesis of finite-dimensionality of W is essential.)

Assignment 9 due Friday April 5 (to be submitted on Crowdmark) Solutions


midterm solutions (regular sitting)

Weekly Calendar

Week 1

Reading: 5.1 of the textbook

What we did:

Next week's plan: Cover 5.2 and some of Appendix E. If there is time, start 5.4.

Week 2

Reading: Section 5.2 and up to Corollary 2 of Appendix E

What we did:

Next week's plan: Wrap up 5.2 on Tuesday, work on 5.4 on Thursday.

Week 3

Reading: Section 5.2, the two corollaries after Theorem E1 of Appendix E, some of Section 5.4 (the part on T-cyclic subspaces and the proof of the Cayley-Hamilton still left)

What we did:

Next week's plan: Discuss cyclic subspaces and prove Cayley-Hamilton on Tuesday. Probably start Chapter 7 on Thursday. (We'll come back to Chapter 6 after we do 7.)

Week 4

Reading: the rest of 5.4, a bit of 7.1 (the definition of Jordan canonical form and the statement of Corollary 1, which is the main theorem of this part of the course)

What we did:

Next week's plan: Prove existence of Jordan canonical form. If there is time, start 7.2.

Week 5

Reading: 7.1 (up to Theorem 7.6), rest of Appendix E (Theorems E2, E6-E9)

What we did:

Next week's plan: Finish the proof of existence of a Jordan canonical form on Tuesday. Talk about uniqueness and how to calculate the Jordan canonical form and a Jordan basis (7.2 of the textbook) on Thursday.

Week 6

Reading: rest of 7.1, 7.2

What we did:

Next week's plan: Next week is the reading week. Classes and tutorials will resume in the week of Feb 25. Our midterm is on Friday March 1 (see the syllabus), and it covers the material covered up to now (5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 7.1, 7.2, and Appendix E).

Week 7

Reading: Appendix E, some of 7.3

What we did: We went over the earlier assigned reading from Appendix E. We started the discussion on minimal polynomials (7.3).

Next week's plan: Finish 7.3 on Tuesday. Discuss rational canonical forms on Thursday.

Week 8

Reading: rest of 7.3; 7.4

What we did: We finished 7.3 and started 7.4. We stated the main theorem (existence and uniqueness of rational canonical form), and looked at an example.

Next week's plan: We will give a sketch of the proof of existence of rational canonical form on Tuesday. (We won't discuss the proof of uniqueness in class. Problems 3 and 4 of Assignment 7 give the ingredients of the proof of uniqueness.) We will start chapter 6 on Thursday.

Week 9

Reading: rest of 7.4, 6.1

What we did: On Tuesday we wrapped up 7.4 by giving a sketch of the proof of existence of rational canonical form. We started Chapter 6 on Thursday and finished 6.1 (almost, we didn't have time to define orthogonality).

Next week's plan: 6.2 and 6.3, maybe start 6.4.

Week 10

Reading: 6.2

What we did: We did 6.2 on Tuesday and the first half of Thursday. We started 6.3 in the second half of Thursday lecture.

Next week's plan: 6.3 and 6.4

Week 11

Reading: 6.3, 6.4, 6.6

What we did: We finished 6.3 on Tuesday. We did 6.4 and (essentially) 6.6 on Thursday.

Next week's plan: 6.5 and either 6.8 or another topic

Week 12

Reading: 6.5, 6.8 (These two sections are not on the final exam.)

What we did: We spent Tuesday and the first half of Thursday on 6.5. We spent the second half of Thursday learning a bit about bilinear forms.