© | << < ? > >> | Dror Bar-Natan: Talks:

Everything around $sl_{2+}^\epsilon$ is DoPeGDO. So what?

Waseda University, September 8 2023 at 4PM in room 54-202


Abstract. I'll explain what "everything around" means: classical and quantum $m$, $\Delta$, $S$, $tr$, $R$, $C$, and $\theta$, as well as $P$, $\Phi$, $J$, ${\mathbb D}$, and more, and all of their compositions. What DoPeGDO means: the category of Docile Perturbed Gaussian Differential Operators. And what $sl_{2+}^\epsilon$ means: a solvable approximation of the semi-simple Lie algebra $sl_2$.

Knot theorists should rejoice because all this leads to very powerful and well-behaved poly-time-computable knot invariants. Quantum algebraists should rejoice because it's a realistic playground for testing complicated equations and theories.

This is joint work with Roland van der Veen and continues work by Rozansky, Ohtsuki, and Overbay.

URL: http://drorbn.net/was2309.

Handout: DoPeGDO.html, DoPeGDO.pdf, DoPeGDO.png.

See videos at DaNang-1905 and at CRM-1907.

Links: NCSU Ov Za atoms cm engine akt kiw kt oa objects qa talks

Sources: pensieve.