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Dror Bar-Natan:
From Stonehenge to Drinfel'd with some of the Details
A series of lectures at the University of California at Berkeley
12 noon at Evans 939, April 24-28, 2000.
Dror Bar-Natan,
Hebrew University and MSRI.
Very rough plan:
- Lecture I (April 24):
- Finite type invariants, weight systems, chord diagrams and diagrams
with trivalent graphs, the relation with Lie algebras.
- Lecture II (April 25):
- Framing, Hutchings' attempt at integration.
- Lecture III (April 26):
- From Chern-Simons theory to configuration space integrals and
chopstick towers.
- Lecture IV (April 27):
- From embedded trivalent graphs to associators via the tetrahedron.
- Lecture V (April 28):
- Existance and near uniqueness of the tetrahedron.
This page is at http://www.math.toronto.edu/~drorbn/Talks/UCB-000420/series.html.
See also my April 20th colloquium talk, at http://www.math.toronto.edu/~drorbn/Talks/UCB-000420/.