Lie algebroids,
Preprint (2023), 9 pages. Overview article for Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics.
On the coadjoint Virasoro action,
with A. Alekseev.
Journal of Geometry and Physics 195 (2024), Paper No. 105029, 32 pp.
Manifolds, Vector Fields and Differential Forms,
with G. Gross. Textbook, 343 pages.
Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series
(2023) Link
Verlinde sums and [Q,R]=0,
with Y. Loizides. Preprint (2022), 50 pages. Preliminary version PDF file.
Singular Lie filtrations and weightings,
with Y. Loizides. Pure and Applied Math Quarterly.
(2023), 2133--2168 Link
Differential geometry of weightings,
with Y. Loizides. Advances in Mathematics.
(2023), Paper No. 109072, 49 pp.
Quotients of double vector bundles and multigraded bundles,
Journal of Geometric Mechanics
(2022), no. 2, 307-329
On the integration of transitive Lie algebroids,
L'Enseignement Mathematique.
(2021), 423-454
Euler-like vector fields, normal forms, and isotropic embeddings,
Indagationes Mathematicae
(2021), 224-245.
Van Est differentiation and integration,
with M.A. Salazar.
Mathematische Annalen. 376
(2020) 1395-1428.
The Weil algebra of a double Lie algebroid,
with J. Pike. International Mathematics Research Notices
(2021), 8550-8622.
Deformation spaces and normal forms around transversals,
with F. Bischoff, H. Bursztyn, H. Lima. Compositio Mathematica.
(2020), 697-732.
The decomposition formula for Verlinde sums,
with Y. Loizides. Annales Institut Fourier
(2022), no. 3, 1207–1248.
Spinor modules for Hamiltonian loop group spaces,
with Y. Loizides, Y. Song. Journal of Symplectic Geometry
(2020), 889-937.
Verlinde formulas for nonsimply connected groups.
In: Lie groups, geometry, and representation theory,
Progress in Mathematics (Birkhaeuser) 326
(2018) 381-417.
Poisson Geometry from a Dirac perspective.
Letters in Mathematical Physics 108
(2018), 447-498
Splitting theorems for Poisson and related structures,
with H. Bursztyn, H. Lima.
J. Reine Angew. Math.
(2019), 281-312.
Convexity for twisted conjugations,
Mathematical Research Letters. 24
(2017), 1797-1818.
Dirac geometry of the holonomy fibration,
with A. Cabrera, M. Gualtieri. Comm. Math. Physics 355 (2017), 865-904.
Dirac actions and Lu's Lie algebroid,
Transformation Groups 22
(2017), 1081-1124.
On the Van Est homomorphism for Lie groupoids,
with D. Li-Bland. L'Enseignement Mathematique (2) 61
(2015), 93-137.
Linearization of Poisson Lie group structures,
with A. Alekseev.
Journal of Symplectic Geometry. 14
(2016) 227-267.
Clifford algebras and Lie Theory.
Monograph, xx+321 pages.
Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (2013) Springer.
Lectures on group-valued moment maps and Verlinde formulas.
Contemp. Math. 583 (2012), 175-210 PDF file.
Dirac Lie groups,
with D. Li-Bland. Asian Journal of Mathematics 18 (5)
(2014), 779-816.
On the Verlinde formulas for SO(3)-bundles,
with D. Krepski. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 64 (1)
(2013) 235-252.
Twisted K-homology and group-valued moment maps.
International Mathematics Research Notices 2012 (20) (2012), 4563-4618.
The cubic Dirac operator for infinite-dimensional Lie algebras.
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 63 (3) (2011), 1364-1387
PDF file
Dirac structures and Dixmier-Douady bundles,
with A. Alekseev. International Mathematics Research Notices . 2012 (4)
(2012), 904 - 956 PDF file
Courant algebroids and Poisson geometry,
with D. Li-Bland. International Mathematics Research Notices 11
(2009), 2106-2145. PDF file
Tilings defined by affine Weyl
groups. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 (2009), 333-343 PDF file
The Atiyah algebroid of the path
fibration over a Lie group,
with A. Alekseev. Letters in Mathematical Physics 90
(2009), 23-58.
PDF file
Quantization of q-Hamiltonian
Geometric Aspects of Geometry and Mechanics (in honor of
the 65th birthday of Hans Duistermaat), Birkhaeuser, 2011.
Pages 257-293. PDF
Pure spinors on Lie groups,
with A. Alekseev and H. Bursztyn. Astérisque 327
(2009), 131-199. PDF file
On the quantization of conjugacy
classes. L'Enseignement Mathematique
55 (2009), 33-75. PDF file
Lectures on pure spinors
and moment maps. Poisson Geometry and Mathematical Physics,
Contemporary Mathematics 450 (2008), 199-222
PDF file
On the Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture,
with A. Alekseev.
Inventiones Mathematicae 164 (2006), 615-634
Ginzburg-Weinstein via Gelfand-Zeitlin,
with A. Alekseev.
Journal of Differential Geometry 76 (2007), 1-34.
Equivariant cohomology and the Cartan model,
Overview article for the
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Elsevier (2006). PDF file
Equivariant cohomology and the Maurer-Cartan equation,
with A. Alekseev.
Duke Mathematical Journal,
130 (3) (2005), 479-522 ArXiV
Witten's formulas for intersection pairings
on moduli spaces of flat G-bundles,
Advances in Mathematics,
197 (1) (2005), 140-197 ArXiV
Lie theory and the Chern-Weil homomorphism,
with A. Alekseev.
Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup.
38 (2) (2005), 303-338 Postscript file
The basic gerbe over a compact simple Lie group,
L'Enseignement Mathematique
49 (2003), 307--333. Postscript file
Clifford algebras and the classical dynamical Yang-Baxter equation,
with A. Alekseev.
Mathematical Research Letters
10 (2003), 253--268. Postscript file
Poisson Geometry and the Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture,
with A. Alekseev.
C. R. Acad, Sci. Paris.
335 (2002), 723--728.
Postscript file
Clifford algebras and the Duflo isomorphism,
Proceedings of the ICM Beijing 2002, volume II: Invited lectures.
Postscript file
Duistermaat-Heckman measures and moduli spaces of flat
bundles over surfaces,
with A. Alekseev, C. Woodward.
Geometric and Functional Analysis
12 (2002), 1--31.
Postscript file
Linearization of Poisson actions and singular values of matrix products,
with A. Alekseev, C. Woodward.
Annales Institut Fourier 51 (2001), 1691--1717.
Postscript file
Quasi-Poisson manifolds,
with A. Alekseev, Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach.
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 54 (2002), 3--29.
Postscript file
The Verlinde formulas as fixed point formulas,
with A. Alekseev, C. Woodward.
Journal of Symplectic Geometry 1 (2001), 1--46.
projecteuclid. See also
publisher's correction (they had left out some sections).
Verlinde formulas for non-simply connected groups,
preliminary version, with A. Alekseev, C. Woodward.
May 2000. Pdf file
Group-valued equivariant localization,
with A. Alekseev, C. Woodward.
Inventiones Mathematicae 140 (2000), 327--350.
The non-commutative Weil algebra,
with A. Alekseev.
Inventiones Mathematicae 139 (2000), 135--172.
An elementary derivation of certain classical dynamical r-matrices,
with A. Alekseev.
Advances in the Mathematical Sciences 201 L. D. Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics.
A.M.S., 2000.
Canonical bundles for Hamiltonian loop group spaces,
with C. Woodward.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics 198 (2001), 477--487
Hamiltonian loop group actions and Verlinde factorization,
with C. Woodward.
Journal of Differential Geometry 50 (1999), 417--470
Cobordism for Hamiltonian loop group actions and flat connections
on the punctured two-sphere,
with C. Woodward.
Mathematische Zeitschrift 231 (1999), 133--168
Lie group valued moment maps,
with A. Alekseev, A. Malkin.
Journal of Differential Geometry 48 (1998), 445--495.
Moduli spaces of flat connections on 2-manifolds, cobordism, and
Witten's volume formulas,
with C. Woodward.
Advances in Geometry, Progr. Math. 172 271--295, Birkhaeuser Boston, 1999.
Singular reduction and quantization,
with R. Sjamaar.
Topology 38 (1999), 699-763.
Non-abelian convexity by symplectic cuts
with E. Lerman, S. Tolman, C. Woodward.
Topology 37 (1998), 245--259.
Symplectic surgery and the Spin-c Dirac operator.
Advances in Mathematics 134 (1998), 240--277
Symplectic reduction and Riemann-Roch for circle actions,
with H. Duistermaat, V. Guillemin, S. Wu.
Mathematical Research Letters 2 (1995), 259-266.
On Riemann-Roch formulas for multiplicities.
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 9 (1996), 373-390.
Vielfachheitsformeln fuer die Quantisierung von Phasenraeumen.
Ph.D. Thesis, Freiburg (1994).
Toeplitz quantization of Kaehler manifolds,
with M. Bordemann, M. Schlichenmaier.
Communications in Mathematical Physics 165 (1994), 281--296.
Coherent states and classical limits.
Journal of Physics A 27 (1994), 3257-3265.
Maslov indices for periodic orbits.
Conference Proceedings
Salamanca 1992 Vol.II, CIEMAT (1993), 414-417
Trace formulas and the Conley-Zehnder index.
Journal of Geometry and Physics (1994), 1-15.
Semiclassical principal symbols and Gutzwiller's trace formula.
Reports in Mathematical Physics 31 (1992), 279-295.
Differentialgeometrische Methoden in der Kurzwellenasymptotik.
Diplomarbeit, Freiburg (1990).