Dror Bar-Natan's Image Gallery: Symmetry:


2222 333 442 632 *2222 *333 *442 *632 4*2 3*3 2*22 22* ** *o oo 22o 0

Sanderson's Algorithm Visit (my variant of) Brian Sanderson's Pattern Recognition Algorithm.

See also Java Kali, Totally Tessellated, ScienceU on Tilings, Xah Lee on Wallpaper groups, KaleidoMania, Crystallography Now.

Annular Earth    Slides for my talk "The 17 Worlds of Planar Ants"

A fence
A sports field fence at UC Berkeley, June 2000.
The anteater cage
The anteater's cage at the San Francisco Zoo, July 2000.
Tire threads and a lemur
Tire threads and a lemur, at the Jerusalem Zoo, September 2000.
Bed cover and Annie
A bed cover and Annie, November 2000.
Alhambra pattern
A pattern seen at Alhambra, Spain by Brian Sanderson. (Ignore color, respect shape)
A Moroccan
A Moroccan tabletop, seen in a Moroccan goods store, Jaffa April 2002
This seems to be the hardest of the wallpaper groups to find in an everyday setting. As a poor substitute, I stole an artificial 333 pattern and made it the background image for this page.
Tie at SFO
A Nature Conservancy aligator tie at a Tie Rack store, SFO June 2000.
Floor tiles at Lalushka
Floor tiles at Lalushka, Jerusalem Mall, September 2000.
An incent burner
Sharon and Yizhar's incent burner, December 2000.
Bathroom tiles at the Kazhdan's
Bathroom tiles at the Kazhdan's, August 2001.
A glass window in SF
A glass window in San Francisco's Bosworth street, March 2000.
A Flower Basket
A flower basket in a florist's shop on Berkeley's Shatuck Avenue, May 2000.
A Woven Basket
A woven basket on the grass in Berkeley's Live Oak Park, June 2000.
Floor tiles near Gion
Floor tiles near Kyoto's Gion district, September 2001.
A fence on Arch Street
A fence on Arch Street, Berkeley, March 2000.
A garage door on Spruce Street
A garage door on Spruce Street, Berkeley, April 2000.
A car's front grill
A car's front grill, Berkeley, April 2000.
Sister in law's shirt
My sister in law's shirt, Jerusalem October 2000.
Assaf through a kaleidoscope
Assaf blowing a balloon, seen through a kaleidoscope. At the Meier-Poskanzer's, Berkeley, June 2000.    Another variant
Pixels on a CRT monitor
Pixels on a CRT monitor showing the linux penguin, August 2000.
Ceiling at the Frankfurt Airport
Ceiling at the Frankfurt Airport Terminal A, January 2001.
Walnut street building
A building on Walnut street, Berkeley March 2000.
MSRI bathroom tiles
Bathroom tiles at MSRI, March 2000.
Queen of the red hearts
The queen of the red hearts, July 2000.
A climbing net
A climbing net at the Jerusalem Zoo playground and Itai, September 2000.
A hex game board
A hex game board at the Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley March 2000.
A cactus seen on Walnut Street, Berkeley July 2000.
Water pipes
Water pipes at a construction site on Arch Street, Berkeley July 2000.
A bicycle light reflector
Assaf's bicycle's light reflector, November 2000.
A bench
A bench near the Berkeley-Richmond JCC, March 2000.
Brienne Braun's necklace
Brienne Braun's necklace, June 2000.
A non-slid surface
A non-slid surface on a Berkeley Fire Department fire engine, July 2000.
A glass wall
A glass wall at the Siegen Hauptbahnhof, January 2001.
A child's drawing
A child's drawing at the Berkeley-Richmond JCC, April 2000. (Respect shape but ignore color)
A fabric design
A fabric design seen in a Fabric Mart store in Maui, July 2000. Read more.
Floor tiles in Waltham
Floor tiles seen by Dylan in the Charles River Reservation, Waltham October 2000.
A plate seen in Kyoto
A plate seen in Kyoto, Japan, September 2001.
A brick wall
A brick wall, Oxford St. between Cedar and Vine, Berkeley March 2000.
Metal grating
Metal grating near Evans Hall, home of the UC Berkeley math department, March 2000.
Ashby BART tiles
Floor tiles in the Ashby BART station, Berkeley June 2000.
The Prudential Building
The Prudential Building, Boston June 2000.
Exploratorium bathroom tiles
Bathroom tiles at the San Francisco Exploratorium, May 2000. (Notice the optical illusion!)
Pentagonal bathroom tiles
Pentagonal bathroom tiles made by Wlodzimierz Kuperberg, seen at the Kuperberg-Zieve's, Davis July 2000.
Nicholas K. Zieve's shirt
A design on Nicholas K. Zieve's shirt, July 2000.
Kyoto Kuramaguchi Station
Wall tiles in the Kyoto Kuramaguchi Subway Station, September 2001
Oakland building
A building near lake Merrit, Oakland March 2000.
Pixels on an LCD monitor
Pixels on an LCD monitor showing a Subpixel Font sample, August 2000.
Honolulu Wall
A wall design at the Honolulu International Airport, July 2000.
Beth El Quilt
A quilt at the Beth El Nursery School, Berkeley July 2000. (Ignore drawings)
A sugar packet
A sugar packet, March 2000.
A Thai wallpaper
Wallpaper in Racha Cafe, a Thai restaurant on Berkeley's Telegraph Avenue, April 2000.
Pixels on a DSC-S70 display
Pixels on the LCD monitor of Raz Kupferman's Sony DSC-S70 camera, November 2000.
Aging wine bottles
Sparkling wine bottles aging at the Hillebrand Winery, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada January 2001.
Alan Weinstein's Table Mat
Alan Weinstein's table mat, Berkeley June 2000.
A tie at Fry's
A tie design at Fry's Electronics, June 2000.
A tie at Sears
A tie design at Sears, Roebuck and Co., June 2000.
Wallpaper at Shaneson-Szczepanski's
The guest room wallpaper at the Shaneson-Szczepanski's, June 2000.
Oxford street entryway
An entryway on Oxford street, Berkeley March 2000.
A cleaning cloth
A cleaning cloth at the Kirkpatrick-Weinshall's, June 2000.
A woven bench back
A woven bench back, outside Yali's Cafe, Berkeley August 2000.
A woven footstool
A woven footstool, August 2000. (Foot courtesy of Brewster Kahle)
A typical web page background
A typical web page background.
A Lego Piece
A Lego piece, June 2000.
Yeshua Billboard
Billboard ads for http://www.yeshua.co.il, Jerusalem Februaray 2001.
Future Shop TVs
Television screens at a Future Shop, Toronto, August 2002.

Dror Bar-Natan's Image Gallery: Symmetry: Tilings:

A plate seen in Kyoto, Japan in September 2001

A plate seen in Kyoto
closeup           double size